LF Fortran 95 Performance.
LF Fortran 95 Optimizations.
Statically Link Fujitsu C and Borland C++ Object Files.
DLL Interfaces to Visual Basic, VC++, Borland C++, and Delphi.
Win32 API Access.
Legacy Fortran Support.
ANSI/ISO-Compliant Fortran 95.
Visual Studio 2015 with Lahey's exclusive Fortran Integration.
Winteracter Starter Kit.
Fujitsu Visual Analyzer.
Optimized BLAS / LAPACK Libraries.
Fujitsu Scientific Subroutine Library 2.
Fujitsu C Language System.

Whether you write new Fortran programs or maintain existing applications, you need instant information about program parameters, easy navigation to places of interest in your code, not to mention speed, dependability, and great tech support. You need LF Fortran!

Win32 API Access
LF Fortran 95 supports direct calls from Fortran to functions in the Win32 API. For a narrow range of applications, this might be the last little bit of glue you need to pull off your project. Note that this is not for the faint-hearted! You'll need to be a Windows programmer to get all but the most basic functionality. That's because the API was written to be called from C. And consequently, arguments need to be passed as C expects them. Structures and callback routines pose additional problems. Clearly, this would be a difficult way to build a Windows application from scratch.

LG Fortran Performance
LG Fortran supports parallel programming with Open MP, auto-parallelization and offers extensive new optimizations for high performance on Intel and AMD processors.