One Tool for Multiple Instruments
GRAMS/AI can work with data from nearly
any kind of analytical instrument including
optical spectroscopy (FTIR, Raman, NIR,
UV-Vis, Fluorescence), NMR, and hyphenated techniques (LC/GC-MS, LC-PDA). Data
can be directly read from its original format
using the GRAMS Suite SmartConvert™
technology, which automatically recognizes
hundreds of different fi le formats.
Versatile Search Options
Spectral ID combines proven and powerful
search algorithms with a number of pre-fi lter
options to give quick and accurate qualitative
identifi cations. Users can combine Text, Peak,
and Full Spectrum searches, select specifi c
spectral regions or whole spectra and even automatically remove the spectrum of a match
from the spectrum of a mixture sample, then
search the remainder spectrum again.
with colleagues easily and analyze it at their
desks rather than occupying valuable instrument workstations. In addition, GRAMS/AI
includes the GRAMS Convert application,
which can be used to quickly and easily fi nd,
identify, and convert all supported foreign
data fi les to the SPC fi le format at once
Thermo Scientifi c GRAMS Suite –
A Solution for Visualizing, Processing,
and Managing Spectroscopy Data