
Kwalitan 定性分析软件
Kwalitan 定性分析软件
Kwalitan is a program for the analysis of qualitative data, such as protocols of interviews, articles, and annual reports. Kwalitan enables the researcher
 编码
 检索和选择
 代码级别的分析
 词汇层面的分析
 为进一步分析准备材料
 备忘录
 Kwalitan的其他特性
In order to understand what the qualitative material is all about, the researcher assigns codes to the material. With the help of these codes the researcher describes what is important to him/her in the content of the material. To each segment you can assign up to 50 codes in order to specify what the text is about or what your interpretations of the material are. Codes can be ascribed to the entire segment, but codes can also be linked to specific parts of the segment, i.e. text fragments. Most coding is done by hand, but Kwalitan also has a tool for assigning codes automatically to segments.
During the qualitative analysis it is important that you can select specific parts of the qualitative material. If you want to analyse all segments that deal with a specific topic, you have to select the concerning segments. Kwalitan offers a tool for making this kinds of selections, the so called filter. This filter has eight different keys for selecting text segments, like codes assigned to a segment, words occurring in the text, and characteristics of the document. In case you want to select segments on several codes, these codes can be combined by using the logical operators ’or’, ’and’ and ’not’.
In the last decade, the interest for the analysis of so called qualitative data material has grown considerably. An increasing number of researcher in an increasing number of disciplines have to analyse the answers of open, unstructured interviews, documents and reports, articles in newspapers, diaries and journals, and so on. But the qualitative, interpretative analysis is not restricted to written material, it also extends to objects like paintings, pictures and video fragments. Kwalitan is a program that supports the researcher in doing this kind of analysis. It takes care of an efficient storage of the data and offers several features to analyse the qualitative material, like coding, retrieving, categorisation of codes, overviews of codes or words in the text, keywords in context and writing memos. With the help of Kwalitan you can analyse text, pictures, audio fragments and video fragments.

