Use with GNU compiler* tools, including the GNU Project Debugger (GDB)*
Access 32-bit and 64-bit compilers
Take advantage of multicore, Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) vectorization, and multiprocessor systems with OpenMP, automatic parallelism, and coarrays
Optimize code with an automatic processor dispatch feature
Develop with the Intel? Math Kernel Library

Built-In Performance
Get industry-leading performance on Intel? and compatible processors.
Microsoft Visual Studio* (Windows* only)
Eclipse C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT)* (Linux* only)
Xcode* (macOS* only)
For complete information on supported architectures, operating systems, and IDEs for this release, see the release notes.

Intel Fortran Compiler for Linux
? 使用GNU编译器集合(GCC)工具,包括一个GDB调试器
? 从GCC与C和C++兼容链路
? 包括32位和64位编译器,不需要支付任何额外的费用
? 兼容Intel Math Kernel Library
广泛支持Fortran Standards和Plus扩展功能
? 完整的语言Fortran 90/95、完整的Fortran 2003/2008,加上初始的Fortran 2008(测试版本)的功能。
√ 显着改进了Fortran coarray支持
√ Fortran 2008子模块
√ 31数组维度(标准*15)
? 支持OpenMP 4.5和初始OpenMP 5.0
配置:硬件:Intel Xeon processor Gold 6148 at 2.40 GHz, 192 GB RAM。**线程运行。软件:Intel Fortran Compiler 18.0, PGI Fortran* 17.5, Open64* 4.5.2, GFortran 7.1.0 Linux操作系统:Red Hat Enterprise Linux server release 7.2 (Maipo), kernel 3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 Polyhedron Fortran Benchmark (
Linux编译器开关:GFortran: -Ofast -mfpmath=sse -flto -march=haswell -funroll-loops -ftree-parallelize-loops=8. Intel Fortran Compiler: -fast -parallel -xCORE-AVX2 -nostandard-realloc-lhs. PGI Fortran: -fast -Mipa=fast,inline -Msmartalloc -Mfprelaxed -Mstack_arrays -tp haswell. Open64: -march=bdver1 -mavx -mno-fma4 -Ofast -mso -apo-march=bdver1 -mavx -mno-fma4 -Ofast -mso –apo