The Industry Standard
Application for Data Processing
and Visualization
GRAMS/AI is a comprehensive data
processing, visualization and reporting
package which forms the core of the
GRAMS Suite.
The IQ Predict module can apply GRAMS IQ calibrations to spectral data from within Thermo Scientific™ GRAMS/AI™ Spectroscopy software, or as a separate stand-alone application. IQ Predict is an add-on module for Thermo Scientific™ GRAMS™ Suite Spectroscopy Software
Compare performance of different calibrations using qualitative selection criteria to choose the optimal calibration for the sample being analyzed
Powerful Data Processing
Fast and fl exible data processing puts
GRAMS/AI at the forefront of spectroscopy
software. An extensive library of built-in
data processing routines provides users with
tools to analyze virtually any type of instrument data. From simple data smoothing to
advanced peak fi tting to tools for specifi c
instrument types, GRAMS/AI tracks all
fi le changes in the fi le’s Audit Log section,
providing results with confi dence.