UCINET is a social network analysis program developed by Steve Borgatti, Martin Everett and Lin Freeman. The program is distributed by Analytic Technologies. UCINET works in tandem with freeware program called NETDRAW for visualizing networks. NETDRAW is installed automatically with UCINET.
Important announcement: If you are thinking of buying UCINET in the near future, it might be a good idea to do it before June 19th or after July 5th. The reason is that Amazon Payments, which processes our orders, is switching to a new system, and we will be out of the country at the time. We hope the transition is seamless, but if there is a problem we won't be able to fix it until we return.
Fixed bug introduced in 6.337 that was causing Networks|Cohesion|Density|Density by Groups to operate on the attribute one column to the left of the one chosen by the user
Fixed bug in Networks|Regions|Bi-components causing crashes on exit (data were still being produced correctly)
Fixed bug in Data|Extract|SubMatrix causing output matrix to have incorrect labels
Modernized Data|Permute routine