科学软件网是经验丰富的软件经销商,不仅提供HydroGeoSphere软件,还提供其他水资源软件,如,Hydrus,GMS,Visual Modflow,Flo-2d,AquiferTest,Aquachem,Petrasim等。
Representation of fractured geologic materials with arbitrary combinations of porous, discretely-fractured, dual-porosity and dual-permeability media for the subsurface.
Aquanty strives at all times to provide its goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. Aquanty is also committed to giving persons with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allowing these individuals to benefit from them by aligning our practices, policies, procedures, and services with the core principles of independence and dignity, integration and equal opportunity. We will make reasonable effort to monitor and evaluate the implementation of these goals and objectives in order to ensure that Aquanty is an organization which is welcoming to individuals with disabilities.
As the principle developers of HydroGeoSphere™, Aquanty’s scientists are recognized as leading international experts in integrated climate/surface/subsurface modelling, as well as the development of custom, very advanced, numerical models.
Surface domain represented as 2-D overland flow.