Word Frequency Analysis and Word Cloud
Interactive word clouds and word frequency tables can now be obtained on any document variable or on results of retrieval operations (text, coding, section or keyword retrieval) as well as for a single document or for text displayed in the new grid view.
Export Results to Tableau Software
One can now export results to Tableau Software allowing one to use its advanced interactive data visualization tools. This feature is available from the CODING FREQUENCY and the CODING BY VARIABLES dialog boxes.
Importation of Nexis UNI and Factiva Files
It is now possible to import news transcripts from the LexisNexis and Factiva output files. After selecting one or multiple .DOCX or RTF files obtained from those services, QDA Miner will extract and store in separate variables the title and body of the news transcript, its source,
Improved Importation of Excel, CSV and TSV files.
When importing files from Excel, CSV or TSV files a new wizard dialog box will allow you to select variables, rename them, import variable description, and perform batch data type conversions This gives you greater flexibility to set up your analysis, make it more precise and start it more quickly, saving time and resources.