Spectral ID 获得所需的所有光谱匹配工具和功能,以及业界广泛的数据兼容性。 光谱库搜索
data. The software can be deployed to standalone PCs for individual users, or to a fi le
server for organization-wide access. The
GRAMS Suite offers IT Administrators tools
for centralized license and installation management, 21 CFR Part 11 access control and
security confi gurations, and data and spectral library sharing tools to simplify software
deployment and long-term maintenance.
With GRAMS/AI users can create customized environments for viewing, reporting,
and processing their data. Multi-page
workbooks store specifi c data display preferences; customized workbook pages, or even
automated automation to perform specifi c
functions or process data. Workbooks allow
insertion of drawing objects including annotations, lines, and arrows. Use the included
Design Science Equation Editor to add mathematical formulas. Even add buttons directly
on the workspace and link them to macros
or other common functions to create a
custom data work-up environment. An integrated Toolbar Builder makes it easy to add
buttons for one-click access to frequently
used applications or display modes. All user
confi gurations can be stored in a Workbook
fi le which can be used over and over again
with different data sets.
Powerful Data Processing
Fast and fl exible data processing puts
GRAMS/AI at the forefront of spectroscopy