One Tool for Multiple Instruments
GRAMS/AI can work with data from nearly
any kind of analytical instrument including
optical spectroscopy (FTIR, Raman, NIR,
UV-Vis, Fluorescence), NMR, and hyphenated techniques (LC/GC-MS, LC-PDA). Data
can be directly read from its original format
using the GRAMS Suite SmartConvert™
technology, which automatically recognizes
hundreds of different fi le formats.
使用其特的SmartConvert™技术,GRAMS套件与数百种不同仪器控制应用程序的数据文件兼容,包括Agilent/HP, Beckman, Bio-Rad, Bruker, Gilson,日立,PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Varian和Waters/ Micromass。
用于复杂数据可视化的 Thermo Scientific™ GRAMS Envision™ 光谱分析软件是一款多格式仪器数据查看器,可简便快速地将数据传输至 Thermo Scientific™ GRAMS 套装内的其他产品中。借助整体式网络浏览器,可与企业数据管理门户以及基于网络的检索工具无缝连接。
Data Compatibility
Spectral ID is compatible with more data
than any other spectral search product on
the market. Users can easily create their own
custom library collections and add spectra
easily using the QuickAdd feature, or by importing entire directories or lists of raw data
fi les. Commercial spectral library collections
from Aldrich, Chemical Concepts, Thermo
Scientifi c Omnic, NIST, Wiley, and other
vendors can be combined with custom-built
collections to give users broad coverage of
compounds in a single search.